Device Detection



7/3/2017 2:30 PM

51Degrees Github Repository Housekeeping – Important Update

Reducing repository size to improve performance

51Degrees will be switching to using Git LFS to store our data files.

slow website


6/27/2017 12:16 PM

Website Health Check Tips

What is slowing down your website on mobile devices?

Slow page loading or latency is a common challenge for websites when viewed on mobile devices. Ads may also not appear affecting viewability, revenue income from advertisers and publisher brand safety. This blog gives you some useful tips to establish what is causing the problem.


Ali Hutchison

6/9/2017 12:01 PM

Detecting Web Applications

51Degrees currently detects 690,259 (as of 09/06/2017) combinations of browser, operating system and hardware, more than anyone else! This includes detecting devices using native and web apps, providing the level of granularity required to optimise your online content for different devices and screen sizes.



3/28/2017 12:54 PM

Is your website UX strategy fit for the future?

Once upon a time, an adaptive or responsive website design was the pinnacle of sound online user experience (UX) strategy. But those days are long gone. New and emerging categories of mobile and connected device are muddying the waters for brands trying to provide a positive web experience for their customers.



2/27/2017 11:33 AM

51Degrees reaches 600,000 combinations

Device detection databases only provide useful insight if they contain up-to-date combinations of hardware models, operating systems and web browsers. “Device Combinations” is the principle metric used to measure accuracy and breadth. 51Degrees contains over 600,000 currently active and unique permutations of device, OS and browser indexed for web, native apps and telecoms operators



2/24/2017 10:13 AM

Solution to optimise for data-minimising mobile browsers

51Degrees, the device detection and data analytics specialist, today reveals a market first that enables brands to optimise mobile web experience for users of data-minimising browsers.



1/26/2017 11:23 AM

Mobile World Congress 2017

51Degrees will be at Mobile World Congress 2017 Barcelona, 27 February to 2 March. Come and join us!



11/28/2016 10:30 AM

Device Detection Performance Analysis

51Degrees compares the Raspberry Pi against two modestly priced Intel platforms.

51Degrees is regularly evaluated against competitors DeviceAtlas and WURFL from ScientiaMobile for performance, accuracy and memory consumption. This blog post builds on a 2015 performance blog with three new commodity hardware benchmarks on; 1) a Raspberry Pi, 2) a low-end desktop PC and 3) a high-end multi CPU server to provide information engineers will find helpful when selecting a device intelligence solution.



10/5/2016 2:48 PM

Weekly Data Update

51Degrees Data Team presents the latest devices and profile combinations update.



9/20/2016 11:37 AM

51Degrees is Google Daydream ready

Large bag of crisps at my side and headset on (‘HMD’ if you must), I nestle into the comfiest armchair in the house.  The soft padding of the headgear feels secure and reassuringly weighty as it encloses my skull, and with all peripheral vision also blocked off, I feel I have just announced “Do Not Disturb” to the rest of the household.